Safeguarding the Digital Landscape

The following information outlines the security practices, guidelines, and policies that govern the protection of our company's assets, data, and information systems. Every employee, contractor, and stakeholder is expected to adhere to these policies to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our resources.

Information Security Responsibilities

At the heart of sports analytics lies sophisticated software that transforms raw data into actionable insights. ByteVision's state-of-the-art sports analytics software is designed with precision and purpose. Our intuitive platforms process real-time data streams, enabling coaches, players, and analysts to make informed decisions on the fly.

  1. Executive Management: The executive team is responsible for setting the tone for security, allocating resources, and ensuring that security policies are upheld throughout the organization.
  2. Employees and Contractors All employees and contractors are required to follow security best practices, report any security incidents, and participate in security training as mandated by the company.

Access Control

  1. User Authentication Users must authenticate using strong passwords and multi-factor authentication (MFA) for accessing company systems and resources.
  2. Access Authorization Access to various systems and data is granted on a need-to-know basis. Authorization must be obtained before accessing sensitive or confidential information.
  3. Account Management User accounts must be regularly reviewed and terminated when no longer required.

Data Protection

  1. Data Classification All company data must be classified into categories such as public, internal use, confidential, and restricted, with appropriate security controls applied to each category.
  2. Data Handling Employees are required to follow data handling procedures, including encryption, when transmitting or storing sensitive information.
  3. Data Backup Critical data must be regularly backed up and stored securely offsite.

Network Security

  1. Firewalls Firewalls must be implemented to protect the company network from unauthorized access.
  2. Intrusion Detection and Prevention Intrusion detection and prevention systems must be in place to monitor and respond to unauthorized network activity.
  3. Network Segmentation Network segmentation must be employed to isolate critical systems from less sensitive ones.

Software Security

  1. Patch Management Regular patching and updates must be applied to all software and systems to mitigate vulnerabilities.
  2. Malware Protection Anti-malware software should be installed on all company devices to prevent and detect malicious software.

Physical Security

  1. Access Control Physical access to company premises must be controlled through access cards and visitor logs.
  2. Equipment Security Laptops, mobile devices, and other company equipment must be physically secured to prevent theft or unauthorized access.

Incident Response

  1. Reporting Incidents: All security incidents, including data breaches or suspicious activity, must be promptly reported to the IT department.
  2. Containment and Recovery In the event of a security incident, appropriate measures must be taken to contain the incident and restore affected systems.

Security Training and Awareness

  1. Training Programs All employees and contractors must undergo regular security training to stay updated on security threats and best practices.
  2. Phishing Awareness Employees should be vigilant against phishing attacks and report any suspicious emails.

Compliance and Auditing

  1. Compliance with Regulations The company is committed to adhering to relevant data protection and privacy regulations.
  2. Audits Regular security audits will be conducted to assess compliance with security policies.

Policy Review

This security policy will be reviewed and updated annually, or as needed, to ensure its effectiveness in addressing new security challenges and technologies.

For any questions or clarifications regarding this policy, please contact the IT department at Bytevision.

By accessing company resources, you agree to comply with this security policy. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary action, including termination and legal action if deemed necessary.